
2023 - 2024 Season Impact Numbers


were helped and provided with enough firewood to heat their homes during the winter.


were cut, loaded, and delivered to families throughout our community.


of volunteer time taken to make sure homes in our community were heated.

Message to our Sponsors from an Appreciative Client: “If we didn’t receive the help, it would be hard to stay warm. My boys and I truly appreciate all the generous help from your program. Thank you so much!”

Volunteer For The 2023 Firewood Day!

We are excited to announce our 2023 Firewood Volunteer date! Join us on Saturday April 1st, 2023 from 8 AM until 1 PM. We will be starting as a group at Victory Baptist Church.

Sign up today to help keep our community warm!



About Our Firewood Program

The Firewood Ministry splits, stores, and delivers firewood to Blount County, TN community members in need who use firewood as a source for heat. Equipment, maintenance, supplies, and volunteers are our main needs for our Firewood Program to ensure members in our community stay warm during the winter months.

Jenna & Jake's Story

To respect our community member's privacy we are not using their real names.

Jenna is an elderly woman who survives on very limited income and lives in substandard housing. The home was drafty so she was excited to get gently used carpet foam given to CommunityWorx to provide for her to plug some of the holes. She was hoping to keep in the heat that her fireplace creates to keep her and Jake, her dog, warm. At $75 per rick (a 2x4x8 foot pile of stacked firewood), she was unable to afford to purchase wood with her limited income and physically was unable to cut and haul her own. She is very appreciative of the volunteers’ provision of wood.

Volunteer With Us!

Help to make a difference in our community and to the people who live in it!